The vermiculites of North Carolina are associated with peridotites and other basic magnesium rocks, which occur coexistent with the Blue Ridge Mountains, and deposits of apparently commercial grade are found in a number of localities between Clay County on the southwest and Avery County on the northeast. The chief development has been around Ellijay, Macon County, and near Swannanoa Buncombe County. Promising deposits are found, also, at a number of localities in Macon and Jackson Counties. Many of the old abandoned corundum mines in Transylvania, Madison, Mitchell, Yancey, and Iredell Counties have showings of vermiculite. This report presents data obtained in an economic geological field survey and laboratory investigations. The work was done during the summer of 1941 as a cooperative project of the Mineral Resources Division, North Carolina Department of Conservation and Development and the Regional Products Research Division, Commerce Department, Tennessee Valley Authority, under the direction of Dr. Jasper L. Stuckey, State Geologist, and Mr. H. S. Rankin, Senior Mining Engineer, respectively. By Thomas G. Murdock and Charles E. Hunter, 1946. 44 pages.