Bulletin 82, "Bibliography of North Carolina Geology, 1910-1960", has been prepared to supplement and complement Bulletin 18, "Bibliography of North Carolina Geology, Mineralogy and Geography" published in 1909 by the North Carolina Geological and Economic Survey. This bibliography should provide as complete a list as possible of North Carolina geology published during the fifty year period from 1910 to 1960. Even though numerous serials and periodicals were examined, we realize that there are undoubtedly certain references that were inadvertently left out that should be included. We hope these will be included in later supplementary volumns.
The bibliography is divided into two sections. The first section lists the authors in alphabetical order under subject heads. A date succeeds each author and in most instances is followed by a number in parenthesis. The date signifies the year in which the author published on the subject. The number in parenthesis denotes the order in which the numbered publication appears in the author index.
The second section lists the authors alphabetically. Under each author's name, his publications are listed chronologically from his earliest to his most recent published work. A number in parenthesis precedes the date. This number denotes, by its numerical value, the earliest to the most recent published works of the author.
Considerable time and effort has been spent in the preparation of this bibliography. We hope that this information will be of a lasting value to those persons interested in conducting geologic research in North Carolina. By William F. Wilson, 1975. 87 pages.