This compilation of published abstracts from the literature concerns the Upper Cenozoic geology of the Onslow and Aurora Embayments on the North Carolina continental margin as indicated in Figure 1. This study area is the Carolina Phosphogenic Province as defined by Riggs (1979, 1984) and represents the focus of an extended research program entitled GENESIS OF THE UPPER CENOZOIC DEPOSITIONAL SEQUENCES OF THE MID-ATLANTIC CONTINENTAL MARGIN with Stanley R. Riggs, Albert C. Hine, Scott W. Snyder, Stephen W. Snyder, and William J. Showers as co-principal investigators of various portions of the research. This extended research program began in 1979 and is still in progress, although at a slower pace than during the past decade. The published abstracts compiled in the present volume represent the products of this research program on the Carolina Phosphogenic Province.
The abstracts presented in the first three sections of this publication (M. Monographs, Book Chapters, and Journal Articles; T. Theses and Dissertations;
and A. Abstracts) are based on research funded by the National Science Foundation (MSF) and the University of North Carolina Sea Grant College Program (UNCSGCP) of the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). Edited by S.R. Riggs and D. Ames. 1992, 209 pages.
If you would like a pdf copy of this publication, please contact Mike Medina at Michael.Medina@deq.nc.gov