The first exploratory oil well in North Carolina was drilled in 1925, near Havelock in Craven County. Since then, exploration conducted in 23 counties has brought the total number of wells drilled in North Carolina to 120 (as of 1976). Although the majority of wells have been along the coast, exploration has been conducted as far inland as Lee County. The deepest well to date was drilled at Cape Hatteras in Dare County and reached a depth of 10,044 feet.
This publication is a compilation of information pertinent to exploratory oil wells and to the regulations governing oil and gas exploration in North Carolina (as of 1976). Data on each well includes API number, well name, company, chronological number, completion date, basement depth, total depth, location, availability of driller's cuttings and logs, and type of geophysical logs, if any. The well data are arranged alphabetically by counties and chronologically within each county. The wells have been plotted on county highway maps to aid in their location.
The appendices consist of a list of geophysical logs available from the Geology and Mineral Resources Section, the oil and gas regulations for the State of North Carolina, and examples of permit forms. A map of eastern North Carolina on which all the exploratory oil wells haye been plotted is included in the back of the report. Compiled by James C. Coffey, 1977. 52 pages.