The purpose of this reconnaissance study is to identify and delineate Cenozoic formations and informal stratigraphic units in Brunswick and New Hanover Counties, North Carolina. Interpretations of the shallow subsurface stratigraphic framework are based on study of well samples, cores, and geophysical well logs from the North Carolina Geological Survey's sample repository and from limited field work. Age control is based on foraminiferal biostratigraphy. Data from this study are on file at the Coastal Plain Office of the North Carolina Geological Survey.
Many of the wells in the study area penetrate the Upper Cretaceous Peedee Formation, but only the uppermost part of this formation is described in this report. Cross sections and selected structure contour and isopach maps display the extent of locally occurring stratigraphic units. By Larry Zarra, 1991. IC 27 is a 36"x24" folded sheet of paper.