The sedimentary cover of the Lucama and Kenly East 1:24,000-scale quadrangles, located in the Raleigh 1;100,000-scale sheet was mapped as part of the STATEMAP Geologic Mapping Program in 1996-1997. These quadrangles are in the Upper Coastal Plain of eastern North Carolina in parts of Johnston, Wilson and Wayne Counties. Elevations range from about 90 feet on the eastern side of the quadrangles in the stream drainages to about 300 feet in the northwestern map area on the Sims Pluton. By Norman K. Gay and John G. Nickerson, 2011. This open file report consists of 3 sheets: Sheet 1 - Geologic map (42" x 54") Sheet 2 - Geologic Cross Sections A-A', B-B', C-C' (56" X 42") Sheet 3 - Geologic Cross Section D-D' (50" x 24")