Geologic mapping in the Stancils Chapel quadrangle was conducted as part of a cooperative effort (COGEOMAP) between the North Carolina Geological Survey and the U. S. Geological Survey. Field mapping at the 1:24,000 scale is being compiled into a l:100,000-scale geologic map compilation of the Raleigh 30 X 60-minute quadrangle. Delineation of rock units and structural features of the quadrangle should assist future planning and assessments such as the following: 1) location of adequate sites for municipal landfills or hazardous waste disposal; 2) planning for highway construction, 3) evaluation of ground-water resources; 4) general construction site assessments; and, 5) exploration for mineral resources.
The Stancils Chapel 7.5-minute quadrangle includes portions of Johnston, Nash, and Wilson Counties (fig. 1). It is located in the east-central portion of the Raleigh 30 X 60-minute quadrangle. Crystalline rocks in the quadrangle are deeply weathered and covered extensively by Coastal Plain sediments. The best exposures of fresh rocks are in stream valleys. By P. Albert Carpenter III, Robert H. Carpenter, J. Alexander Speer, and Edward F. Stoddard, 1994, revised 1995. 15 pages. Includes 36"x42" black and white map and cross sections.