This report describes potential feldspar resources in north-central North Carolina. It is based mainly on integration of pre-existing information that includes the following:
1) The National Uranium Resources Evaluation (NURE) database for stream sediment in North Carolina (Reid, 1991). Analyzed samples consist of -100 mesh (< 149 micron) sediment. This study evaluates the statewide distribution of sodium (6144 sites) and potassium (4609 sites), as well as other elements (U, Th, Hf, Al, Fe, Mn, Ti, V, Ba, Ca, Cr, Cu, K, Mg, P) in north-central North Carolina.
2) A survey of feldspar resources by the Minerals Research Laboratory (MRL), North Carolina State University (Neal and others, 1973).
3) Geologic mapping in north-central North Carolina and descriptions of granitoid rocks in this area. Principal sources of information include Carpenter (1982); North Carolina Geological Survey (1985); and Goldsmith and others (1988).
4) Properties and specifications of feldspar used by industry (Kaufman and Van Dyk, 1994;
and Bolger, 1995).
In addition, three samples were collected in this study and analyzed by the MRL. The results are included in Appendix 1 and described in a subsequent section of this report.
By Robert H. Carpenter, John W. Schlanz, and P. Albert Carpenter III. 21 pages, 1995.