The present report has been prepared by Prof. W. S. Bayley of the University of Illinois and is intended to bring together such information as the Survey has been able to obtain relating to the kaolins of the State, including description of deposits that are being operated, and prospects, particularly those that give indication of containing commercial quantities of kaolin. The deposits have been sampled and the kaolins tested as to their ceramic value.
The field work on which the present report is based was done during the summer of 1918, covering a period of about four weeks. During this time all the productive mines in the State were visited and samples of their crude and washed products were sent to the clay-testing plant of the U. S. Bureau of Mines at Columbus, Ohio, for examination. The results of the tests are incorporated in the report. Includes map of western North Carolina. By W. S. Bayley, 1925. 132 pages.