The purpose of this survey was to locate the halloysite deposits in western North Carolina, determine their quality and probable tonnage, and to make this information available. Accordingly, five major deposits are described in detail, together with tonnage estimates, chemical analysis, detailed geology and maps. In addition to showing the locations, outlines, and related geology of the larger and better known halloysite deposits, the maps contain data useful in determining the reserve tonnages and, in many cases, making estimates of the overburden to be removed. It is believed that these detailed maps will be of great advantage in helping producers to plan their mining operations. The report also describes numerous other occurrences and locations of areas believed to contain halloysite deposits. Because of the limited time for field studies, thorough investigations could not be carried out in these areas. However, the favorable geological conditions observed, and the occurrences found, are good indications of the existence of workable deposits. The authors wish to point out that they are aware of several known occurrences in the Piedmont area of the state—principally in Cleveland and Catawba Counties. By Charles E. Hunter and Lewis J. Hash, 1949. 32 pages.