Most of the rock units and several of the stops to be visited on the 1994 Carolina Geological Society field trip based in Raleigh, North Carolina, are exposed in the Falls Lake-Wake Forest map area. A geologic map of this area by Horton and others (1992) provides a transect across the west flank of the Raleigh metamorphic belt from the Rolesville batholith on the east to the Durham sub-basin of the Triassic Deep River basin on the west. The map also includes the type area of the Falls Lake melange. This paper outlines the geologic setting of the Falls Lake-Wake Forest area as background information for the field trip. It is based on, and should be used in conjunction with Horton and others' (1992) 1:24,000-scale geologic map, which includes all of the Bayleaf and Wake Forest 7.5-minute quadrangles and parts of the Creedmoor, Franklinton, Grissom, Rolesville, and Southeast Durham 7.5-minute quadrangles in parts of Wake, Franklin, Granville, and Durham Counties, North Carolina. Other results of this geologic mapping are contained in Wylie (1984), Horton and others (1986), Blake (1986), and Stoddard and others (1986). Previous work in the area is discussed by Parker (1978, 1979). Edited by Edward F. Stoddard and David E. Blake, 1994. 110 pages.