In the fall of 1932, a large number of test wells were put down in the vicinity of Elizabeth City, N. C., under the supervision of S. W. Lohman, of the U.S. Geological Survey, for the purpose of determining the possibility of developing a ground-water supply that would be adequate for the needs of the city. The results of this investigation have since been published.
One of these wells was drilled to a depth of 482 feet, and the others were jetted to various depths from 25 to 93 feet. Samples were collected from each well as drilling proceeded and later were shipped to the Geological Survey for examination. A great many of the samples contained either Foraminifera, diatoms, or mollusks, the study of which formed the basis of the present paper.
By L.G. Henbest, K.E. Lohman, and W.C. Mansfield, 11 pages, 1939.