The geologic map for Chatham County has been created as a general-purpose map that is applicable to land-related investigations in the earth, environmental and biological sciences. Includes stereonets, two rose diagrams and a correlation diagram, as well as rock unit descriptions. There are two plates: Plate 1 - the county geologic map and Plate 2 - the rock unit descriptions.
Compiled by Philip J. Bradley
Contributions to geologic mapping in alphabetical order by: Randy Bechtel, William B. Blocher, Philip J. Bradley, J. Robert Butler, Timothy W. Clark, Norman K. Gay, David A. Grimley, Heather D. Hanna, Michael J. Malaska, Brandon T. Peach, Aaron K. Rice, Edward F. Stoddard, and Mary E. Watson.
The majority of the geologic contacts south of the Cape Fear River within the Triassic basin were digitized as presented by Reinemund (1955).
Approximate scale - 1:50,000. Approximate size of the two plates - 54" x 42" (Plate 1), 50" x 42" (Plate 2). 2022.