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Hope Mills ---OUT OF STOCK--- Hornsboro Hornsboro Horse Gap Horse Gap Horse Gap Horse Shoe Horse Shoe Horsepen Point Hot Springs Howard Reef Hubert Hubert Huntdale Huntdale Hurdle Mills Hyde County maps Hydrologic and Salinity Characteristics of CURRITUCK SOUND and Selected Tributaries in North Carolina and Virginia, 1998-99 - USGS Water-Resources Investigations Report 01-4097 Hydrologic Unit Map-1974 Index to Surficial-Geologic Mapping 1895-1982 Geophysical Mapping Geologic Fieldtrip Guidebooks Ground-Water Reports in North Carolina Inez Information Available for Selected WELLS of the North Carolina Coastal Plain NCGS Information Circular 25 Information Circular 36 (Natural Gas and Oil in North Carolina) Open File Report 2009-01 (Shale Gas Potential in Triassic Strata of the Deep River Basin) Open File Report 2013-01 Mesozoic rift basins --- Free Publications --- Ingleside Ingleside Ingold Interactive Database: VIBRACORES from Offshore Northern DARE COUNTY, North Carolina - NCGS Open-File 2001-02 Interactive Database: VIBRACORES Offshore of HATTERAS and OCRACOKE Islands, North Carolina - NCGS Open-File 2001-01 Interpretive Geologic Map of the Bedrock, MOUNT PLEASANT Quadrangle, Cabarrus and Stanly Counties, North Carolina: USGS Map I-1082 Interpretive Geologic Map of the Bedrock, Showing Radioactivity, and Aeromagnetic Map of the SALISBURY, SOUTHMONT, ROCKWELL, and GOLD HILL Quadrangles, Rowan and Davidson Counties, North Carolina USGS Map I-888 Investigation of Ground-Water Availability and Quality in ORANGE COUNTY, North Carolina: USGS Water-Resources Investigations Report 00-4286 Investigation of MUSCOVITE MICA in Greisen, Sims Granitoid Intrusive, WILSON COUNTY, North Carolina - NCGS Information Circular 30 Ionic Composition and Nitrate in Drainage Water From Fields Fertilized with Different Nitrogen Sources, Middle Swamp Watershed, North Carolina, August 2000-August 2001 USGS Scientific Investigations Report 2004-5123 Iredell County maps Iron Mountain Gap Isabella Jackson Jackson County maps Jacksonville NE Jacksonville NE Jacksonville North Jacksonville NW Jacksonville NW Jacksonville South Jamesville Jamesville Jarvisburg Jarvisburg Jason Jason