This report lists analyses for all groundwater and stream water variables which exceed the 90th percentile from the North Carolina portion of the U.S. Department of Energy's National Uranium Resource Evaluation (NURE) program; pH and conductivity values below the 10th percentile are also listed. Samples were collected and analyzed during the period 1975-1979. Before termination of the NURE program, sampling of the entire state (48,666 square miles of land area) was completed at a reconnaissance scale. Sample density averages one sample per 7.2 square miles of land area. Reid (1991) mapped the statewide distribution of stream sediment data, and the pH and conductivity values collected during sampling of the stream sediments. Reid (1993) also mapped the statewide distribution of groundwater analyses, and the limited stream water data contained in the NURE database. Reid and Carpenter (1993) list analyses for all variables which exceed the 90th percentile from the stream sediment data of the North Carolina portion of the NURE program;
pH and conductivity values below the 10th percentile are also listed. A series of open-file reports by Carpenter and Reid to be released in 1993 provide stream sediment, groundwater, and stream water data (where available) by 1:100,000 sheet that cover North Carolina. The database consists of 5,778 groundwater sampling sites, and 295 stream-water sites, along with latitude-longitude coordinates of the sampling sites. By Jeffrey C. Reid and Robert H. Carpenter, 1993. 162 pages.