The collection of data on the chemical quality of stream water of North Carolina was started in 1943 by the U.S. Geological Survey in cooperation with the State of North Carolina. This program was continued through September 1967, at which time it was superseded by a more specialized program designed to obtain supporting data for the State's water-pollution monitoring activities. Basic-data reports were published annually to furnish current information to users of water-quality data. A summary compilation of all the data collected through 1967 is contained in U.S. Geological Survey Water-Supply Paper 1895-B.
This atlas provides an interpretive summary of the important aspects of water quality for those who utilize and manage the streams. More detailed information concerning the sites at which data were collected, water-quality variations at these sites, and methods of investigation are contained in Water-Supply Paper 1895-B
By Hugh B. Wilder and Larry J. Slack, 1971. 2 plates. Plate 1 approximate map size: 35"x25". Map scale - 1:1,100,000. Plate 2 approximate map size: 35"x25". Map scale - 1:1,584,000.