This item includes three maps covering the following 1:24,000 scale quadrangles: Albemarle, Badin, Denton, Frog Pond, Gold Hill, Grist Mountain, Handy, High Rock, Locust, Morrow Mountain, Mount Pleasant, New London, Richfield, Rockwell, Salisbury and Southmont in the following counties: Cabarrus, Davidson, Montgomery, Rowan and Stanly.
Map 1 - Surface and Subsurface Geology Interpreted from Geologic and Geophysical Maps approximate size - 41"x48"
Map 2 - Ground Gravity Map and Subsurface Geology Interpreted from Geophysical Data approximate size - 40"x36"
Map 3 - Aeromagnetic Map and Subsurface Geology Interpreted from Geophysical Data approximate size - 40"x36"
All three maps are in color and 1:62,500 scale. By Arvid A. Stromquist and John R. Henderson, 1985.