Geologic mapping of the Franklin quadrangle, Macon County, N.C., was begun by Lesure in 1962 as part of a study of mica pegmatites in the Blue Ridge of North Carolina (Lesure, 1968). The field work continued intermittently from 1962 until the spring of 1966 when the project was recessed indefinitely. Some of the mapping was included by Hadley and Nelson (1971) in a study of the Knoxville 1° x 2° quadrangle, North Carolina, Tennessee, and South Carolina. In the early 1970's Force (1976) examined thin sections and hand samples from the Franklin project and collected additional material in unmapped areas for his study of the distribution of rutile in metamorphic rocks. Because no further work is planned, the data are released in this format. Includes major and trace element analyses of rocks and saprolite.
By Frank G. Lesure and Eric R. Force, 1993. Approximate map size: 38"x38". Map scale - 1:24,000 scale. Data covers bottom 2/3 of quadrangle.