This report is based on appraisals made during 1951-54 by Overstreet, Theobald, and others of fluvia-tile monazite placers in the western Piedmont of the Carolinas and on studies made in 1956-61 by Theobald and Thompson of trace elements in accessory magnetite from igneous rocks genetically related to ore deposits. During the latter investigation, Theobald decided to investigate the regional distribution of trace elements in magnetite. From the many thousands of heavy-mineral concentrates previously collected in the Carolinas, 289 magnetite separates were prepared by Over-sfcreet and analyzed by Thompson. The text is largely the responsibility of Theobald and Overstreet.
The purpose of the work is to show the regional variations in the minor elements in magnetite in the western Piedmont of the Carolinas and to suggest how tlie procedures described here might be used in regional geo-chemical studies. Includes two plates (3.5'x2' and 3.5'x3') By P.K. Theobald, Jr., W.C. Overstreet, and C.E. Thompson. 34 pages, 1967.