The objectives of this study were to:
1. Understand the flow and dispersive characteristics of the Northeast Cape Fear Estuary and determine how they affect the flushing of soluble wastes.
2. Develop methods permitting the prediction of buildup in concentrations to occur at selected points within the estuary when a conservative solute (dissolved substance of low degradability) is discharged to the system.
The authors' objectives were accomplished by injecting a fluorescent dye and tracing its movement and dispersion in the estuary as it was expelled from the system and by measuring tidal velocity, direction, and volume of flow. This experiment, for the most part, took place in October 1969, and the results are included in this report. (For other recent reports on estuarine dye studies, see Williams, 1967, and Beverage and Swecker, 1969.)
By E.F. Hubbard and William G. Stamper, 1972. 31 pages.