Miocene Geology of the Continental Shelf: Onslow Bay, North Carolina NCGS Geologic Map Series 3<---PERMANENTLY OUT OF PRINT---
Subsurface Stratigraphic Framework for Cenozoic Strata in BRUNSWICK and NEW HANOVER Counties, North Carolina NCGS Information Circular 27 $3.50 |
Ground-Water Resources of the CAPE HATTERAS National Seashore, North Carolina USGS Atlas HA-540 $9.00 |
Carolina Trough Structure Contour Maps USGS Map MF-1402 $9.00 |
Ground-Water Resources of CHOWAN County, North Carolina USGS Atlas HA-292 $9.00 |
Ground-Water Resources of CRAVEN County, North Carolina USGS Atlas HA-343 $9.00 |
Aeromagnetic Map of the ESSEX-ROANOKE RAPIDS Area, Northeastern North Carolina USGS Map GP-886 $9.00 |
Geologic Map with Geomorphic Landscape Elements of the FALKLAND 7.5-minute Quadrangle, Northeast Quadrant, North Carolina NCGS Open File Report 2019-08 $16.00 |
Geologic Map with Geomorphic Landscape Elements of the FALKLAND 7.5-minute Quadrangle, Northwest Quadrant, North Carolina NCGS Open File Report 2020-08 $16.00 |
Geologic Map of the FARMVILLE 7.5-minute Quadrangle, Northern Half, Pitt and Greene Counties, North Carolina NCGS Open File Report 2022-07 $16.00 |
Geologic Map of the Cape Fear Region, FLORENCE 1x2 degree Quadrangle and Northern Half of the GEORGETOWN 1x2 degree Quadrangle, North Carolina and South Carolina USGS Map I-1948-A $9.00 |
Geologic Map with Geomorphic Landscape Elements of the FOUNTAIN 7.5-Minute Quadrangle, Northeast Quadrant, North Carolina - Revised NCGS Open File Report 2021-04 $16.00 |
Quaternary Geologic Map of the HATTERAS 4x6 degree Quadrangle, United States USGS Map I-1420 $9.00 |
Mapped Sedimentary Facies on the LUCAMA and KENLY EAST 7.5-minute Quadrangles, Johnston, Wilson and Wayne Counties, NC NCGS Open File Report 2011-10 $27.00 |
Water-Bearing Characteristics and Occurrence of Aquifers in MARTIN County, North Carolina USGS Atlas HA-264 $9.00 |
Sedimentary Deposits Along the Fall Zone of NORTHAMPTON, HALIFAX, NASH, and WILSON Counties, North Carolina NCGS Open File Report 90-5 $4.00 |
Map Showing Phosphate Lease Areas in PAMLICO and PUNGO River, NC NCGS Open File Report 67-1 $4.00 |
Summary of the Geology and Ground-Water Resources of PITT County, North Carolina USGS Atlas HA-291 $9.00 |
Geologic Map of the POWHATAN 7.5-minute Quadrangle, North Carolina NCGS Open File Report 90-7 $6.00 |
The Bedrock Geology of the Western Portion of the ROCKY MOUNT 100k Quadrangle, NASH, WILSON and EDGECOMBE Counties, North Carolina NCGS Open File Report 2004-05 $6.00 |
Bedrock Geologic Map of the SELMA 7.5-minute Quadrangle, Johnston County, North Carolina NCGS Open File Report 98-1 $6.00 |
Geology of the STANCILS CHAPEL 7.5-minute Quadrangle, Johnston, Nash, and Wilson Counties, North Carolina NCGS Open-File Report 94-3 $10.00 |
Bedrock Geologic Map of the ZEBULON 7.5-minute Quadrangle, North Carolina NCGS Open File Report 96-2 $6.00 |