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Lee County maps
Leggetts Crossroads
Leggetts Crossroads
Leggetts Crossroads
Lemon Gap
Lemon Gap
Lenoir County maps
Leonards Point
Leonards Point
Lewis Swamp
Lewis Swamp
Lexington East
Lexington West
LiDAR-Derived Flood-Inundation Maps for Real-Time Flood-Mapping
Applications, TAR RIVER Basin, North Carolina -
USGS Scientific Investigations Report 2007-5032

LIMESTONE and MARLS of North Carolina
NCGS Bulletin 28

Lincoln County maps
Lincolnton East
Lincolnton East
Lincolnton West
Lincolnton West
Linville Falls
Linville Falls
Linville Falls
Linville Falls
Listing of Concentrations (Groundwater and Stream Water) of Variables
Which Equal or Exceed the 90th Percentile, and pH and Conductivity Below
the 10th Percentile in the North Carolina Portion of the NURE Database
NCGS Open File Report 93-2

Listing of Concentrations (Stream Sediments) of Variables Which Equal
or Exceed the 90th Percentile, and pH and Conductivity Below the
10th Percentile in the North Carolina Portion of the NURE Database
NCGS Open File Report 93-1

Listing of Concentrations of Variables of Stream Sediment, Stream Water,
and Groundwater for the FONTANA LAKE and TOCCOA
30 x 60 Minute Quadrangles - NURE Database
NCGS Open File Report 93-5

Listing of Concentrations of Variables of Stream Sediment, Stream Water,
and Groundwater for the KNOXVILLE 30 x 60 Minute Quadrangles -
NURE Database
NCGS Open File Report 93-4

Listing of Concentrations of Variables of Stream Sediment, Stream
Water, and Groundwater for the ASHEVILLE 30 x 60 Minute Quadrangles -
NURE Database
NCGS Open File Report 93-7

Listing of Concentrations of Variables of Stream Sediment, Stream
Water, and Groundwater for the BAYBORO 30 x 60 Minute
Quadrangles - NURE Database
NCGS Open File Report 93-32

Listing of Concentrations of Variables of Stream Sediment, Stream
Water, and Groundwater for the CHAPEL HILL 30 x 60 Minute Quadrangles -
NURE Database
NCGS Open File Report 93-17

Listing of Concentrations of Variables of Stream Sediment, Stream
Water, and Groundwater for the CHARLOTTE 30 x 60 Minute Quadrangles -
NURE Database
NCGS Open File Report 93-14

Listing of Concentrations of Variables of Stream Sediment, Stream
Water, and Groundwater for the CLEVELAND and DALTON
30 x 60 Minute Quadrangles - NURE Database
NCGS Open File Report 93-3

Listing of Concentrations of Variables of Stream Sediment, Stream
Water, and Groundwater for the DANVILLE and GREENSBORO
30 x 60 Minute Quadrangles - NURE Database
NCGS Open File Report 93-16

Listing of Concentrations of Variables of Stream Sediment, Stream
Water, and Groundwater for the ELIZABETHTOWN 30 x 60 Minute
Quadrangles - NURE Database
NCGS Open File Report 93-23

Listing of Concentrations of Variables of Stream Sediment, Stream
Water, and Groundwater for the EMPORIA and ROANOKE RAPIDS
30 x 60 Minute Quadrangles - NURE Database
NCGS Open File Report 93-25

Listing of Concentrations of Variables of Stream Sediment, Stream
Water, and Groundwater for the FAYETTEVILLE 30 x 60 Minute
Quadrangles - NURE Database
NCGS Open File Report 93-22

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