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Stratigraphy, Structure and PHOSPHATE Deposits of the PUNGO RIVER Formation of North Carolina - NCGS Bulletin 87 ---OUT OF STOCK--- Structure of SAURATOWN MOUNTAINS Window, North Carolina Carolina Geological Society Field Trip Guidebook 1988 Stuart SE Studies of Inner Piedmont Geology with a focus on the COLUMBUS PROMONTORY Carolina Geological Society Field Trip Guidebook 1993 Studies of Precambrian and Paleozoic Stratigraphy in the Western BLUE RIDGE: Carolina Geological Society Field Trip Guidebook 1991 Stumpy Point Styron Bay Subsurface Stratigraphic Framework for Cenozoic Strata in BRUNSWICK and NEW HANOVER Counties, North Carolina NCGS Information Circular 27 Sugar Hill Sugar Hill Suitability of PINEHURST Formation as a Glass Sand, RICHMOND COUNTY, North Carolina: NCGS Information Circular 33 Summary of the Geology and Ground-Water Resources of PITT County, North Carolina USGS Atlas HA-291 Summerfield Summerlins Crossroads Sunbeam Sunbeam Sunbury Sunshine SUPERCONDUCTING SUPERCOLLIDER: Appendix - Petrography and Photomicrographs: NCGS Open-File Report 97-3 SUPERCONDUCTING SUPERCOLLIDER: Location, Geology, and Road Log: NCGS Open-File Report 97-2
Supply Surficial Geologic Map with Top of Bedrock Structural Contours in the RALEIGH 30 x 60 Minute Quadrangle, North Carolina NC Geological Survey Open File Report 2024-06 Surficial Geologic Map with Top of Cretaceous Formation Structural Contours in the RALEIGH 30 x 60 Minute Quadrangle, North Carolina NC Geological Survey Open File Report 2024-07 Surry County maps Suspended Sediment and Nutrients in the Upper CAPE FEAR RIVER BASIN, North Carolina, 2002-04, with an Analysis of Temporal Changes, 1976-2004: USGS Scientific Investigations Report 2005-5271 Swain County maps Swanquarter Swansboro Swansboro Sylva North Sylva North Sylva South Table Rock Tabor City East Tabor City West TALC Deposits of the Murphy Marble Belt: NCGS Bulletin 56 Tapoco Tapoco Tarboro Tarheel Tarheel Taylorsville Tellico Plains Test The Bedrock Geology of the Western Portion of the ROCKY MOUNT 100k Quadrangle, NASH, WILSON and EDGECOMBE Counties, North Carolina NCGS Open File Report 2004-05 The Black Creek-Peedee Formational Contact (Upper Cretaceous) in the CAPE FEAR RIVER Region of North Carolina - USGS Professional Paper 1285 ---OUT OF STOCK--- The Commercial GRANITES of North Carolina: NCGS Bulletin 67 The DEEP RIVER Coal Field of North Carolina NCGS Bulletin 33 The Force of Gravity at Selected Localities in North Carolina: NCGS Information Circular 18 The Geology and Mineral Resources of GUILFORD COUNTY: NCGS Information Circular 5: