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Middlesex Middlesex Middlesex Middletown Middletown Anchorage Midland Midland Midland Midland Midway Midway Mill Spring Millersville Millersville Millstone Lake Milton Milton Mineral Bluff Mineral Industry of North Carolina From 1954 Through 1959: NCGS Economic Paper 67 Mineral Industry of North Carolina From 1960 Through 1967: NCGS Economic Paper 68 Mineral Localities of North Carolina NCGS Information Circular 16 Mineral Production Maps of the CHARLOTTE 1x2 degree Quadrangle, North Carolina and South Carolina: USGS Map I-1251-F Mineral Resource Assessment of Gold and Silver in the GREENVILLE 1x2 degree Quadrangle, South Carolina, Georgia, and North Carolina: USGS Map MF-2198-A ---OUT OF STOCK--- Mineral Resource Assessment of Kyanite, Sillimanite, and Analusite in the GREENVILLE 1x2 degree Quadrangle, South Carolina, Georgia, and North Carolina USGS Map 2198-B Mineral Resource Assessment of Mafic and Ultramafic Rocks in the GREENVILLE 1x2 degree Quadrangle, SC, GA and NC USGS Map MF-2198-C Mineral resource assessment of pegmatite minerals in the GREENVILLE 1° x 2° quadrangle, South Carolina, Georgia, and North Carolina USGS MF-2198-D Mineral Resource Assessment of Pegmatite Minerals in the GREENVILLE 1° x 2° quadrangle, South Carolina, Georgia, and North Carolina USGS MF-2198-D Mineral Resource Potential for Beryllium, Molybdenum and Niobium in the CHARLOTTE 1x2 degree Quadrangle, North Carolina and South Carolina: USGS Map I-1251-J ---OUT OF STOCK--- Mineral Resource Potential for Copper, Lead, Zinc and Combined Base Metals in the CHARLOTTE 1x2 Quadrangle, North Carolina and South Carolina: USGS Map I-1251-G Mineral Resource Potential for Gold in the CHARLOTTE 1x2 degree Quadrangle, NC/SC USGS Map I-1251-H Mineral Resource Potential for Lithium, Kyanite-Sillimanite, and Barite in the CHARLOTTE 1x2 Quadrangle, North Carolina and South Carolina: USGS Map I-1251-K Mineral Resource Potential for Tin and Tungsten in the CHARLOTTE 1x2 degree Quadrangle, North Carolina and South Carolina USGS Map I-1251-I Mineral Resource Potential for Uranium and Thorium in the CHARLOTTE 1x2 degree Quadrangle, North Carolina and South Carolina: USGS Map I-1251-L Mineral Resource Potential of the LINVILLE GORGE Wilderness and Proposed Extensions, Burke and McDowell Counties, N.C. - USGS MF-1610-B Mineral Resource Potential of the SHINING ROCK Wilderness, Haywood County, North Carolina USGS Map MF-1290-C Mineral Resource Potential, ELLICOTT ROCK Wilderness and Additions, NC, SC, GA: USGS Map MF-1287-D Mineral Resources of the CHARLOTTE 1x2 degree Quadrangle, North Carolina and South Carolina: USGS Professional Paper 1462 ---OUT OF STOCK--- Mineral Resources of the CRAGGY MOUNTAIN Wilderness Study Area and Extension, BUNCOMBE County, North Carolina: USGS Bulletin 1515 ---OUT OF STOCK--- Mineral Resources of the JOYCE KILMER-SLICKROCK Wilderness, North Carolina -Tennessee: USGS Bulletin 1416 Mineralogy of VIBRACORE Heavy-Mineral Concentrates and Preliminary Stratigraphic Framework of the Southern Inner Continental Shelf of North Carolina - NCGS Open-File Report 94-2 Mines and Prospects of CABARRUS, GASTON, LINCOLN, MECKLENBURG, STANLY, and UNION counties, North Carolina: NCGS Open-File Reports 2000-02 through 2000-07 Mingo Mingo Mingo Minor Elements in Alluvial Magnetite from the INNER PIEDMONT BELT, North and South Carolina: USGS Professional Paper 554-A Mint Hill Mint Hill Mintonsville Mintonsville Mintonsville