Geology of the ALBEMARLE Quadrangle, North Carolina: NCGS Bulletin 75 $4.00 |
Preliminary Hydrogeologic Assessment and Study Plan for a Regional Ground-Water Resource Investigation of the BLUE RIDGE and PIEDMONT Provinces of North Carolina: USGS Water-Resources Investigations Report 02-4105 $4.00 |
Mines and Prospects of CABARRUS, GASTON, LINCOLN, MECKLENBURG, STANLY, and UNION counties, North Carolina: NCGS Open-File Reports 2000-02 through 2000-07 $15.00 |
Suspended Sediment and Nutrients in the Upper CAPE FEAR RIVER BASIN, North Carolina, 2002-04, with an Analysis of Temporal Changes, 1976-2004: USGS Scientific Investigations Report 2005-5271 $7.50 |
Metallic Mineral Deposits of the CAROLINA SLATE BELT, North Carolina: NCGS Bulletin 84 ---PERMANENTLY OUT OF PRINT---
Petrography and Stratigraphy of the CAROLINA SLATE BELT - UNION COUNTY, NC: NCGS Special Publication 4 ---PERMANENTLY OUT OF PRINT---
A Catalogue of Seismic Events Recorded at Seismograph Station CHC, CHAPEL HILL, North Carolina, January 1, 1955 through December 31, 1970: NCGS Special Publication 6 $3.00 |
Old Gold Mines in CHARLOTTE, MECKLENBURG COUNTY, North Carolina: A potential geologic hazard for development: NCGS Open File Report 2005-05  $15.00 |
The DEEP RIVER Coal Field of North Carolina NCGS Bulletin 33 $6.50 |
DIABASE DIKES of the Eastern Piedmont of North Carolina: NCGS Information Circular 23 $3.00 |
Determination of Rock Properties by Borehole-Geophysical and Physical-Testing Techniques and Ground-Water Quality and Movement in the DURHAM TRIASSIC BASIN, NC: USGS Professional Paper 1432 $4.00 |
A Geologic Adventure Along the ENO RIVER: NCGS Information Circular 35 $10.00 |
Potential FELDSPAR Resources in North-Central North Carolina: NCGS Open-File Report 95-1 $3.00 |
The Geology and Mineral Resources of GUILFORD COUNTY: NCGS Information Circular 5:  $3.00 |
Geologic Setting of the HAMME TUNGSTEN District, North Carolina and Virginia: USGS Bulletin 1122-G ---OUT OF STOCK---
Minor Elements in Alluvial Magnetite from the INNER PIEDMONT BELT, North and South Carolina: USGS Professional Paper 554-A $4.00 |
High-Silica Resource Potential of the Upper Chilhowee Quartzite, MCDOWELL COUNTY, North Carolina: NCGS Information Circular 26 $3.50 |
MOUNTAIN ISLAND LAKE, North Carolina: Analysis of Ambient Conditions and Simulation of Hydrodynamics, Constituent Transport, and Water-Quality Characteristics, 1996-97: USGS Water-Resources Investigations Report 01-4138 $4.00 |
The Sims Pluton, NASH and WILSON Counties, North Carolina: NCGS Bulletin 97 -PERMANENTLY OUT OF STOCK-
Geology and Mineral Resources of ORANGE County, North Carolina: NCGS Bulletin 81 ---PERMANENTLY OUT OF STOCK---
Investigation of Ground-Water Availability and Quality in ORANGE COUNTY, North Carolina: USGS Water-Resources Investigations Report 00-4286 $4.00 |
Suitability of PINEHURST Formation as a Glass Sand, RICHMOND COUNTY, North Carolina: NCGS Information Circular 33 $15.00 |
Heavy Minerals in the Saprolite of the Crystalline Rocks in the SHELBY (15 min.) Quadrangle, North Carolina: USGS Bulletin 1162-F $2.00 |
Geology of the SOUTHEAST DURHAM and SOUTHWEST DURHAM 7.5-minute Quadrangles, North Carolina: NCGS Bulletin 92 $6.50 |
SUPERCONDUCTING SUPERCOLLIDER: Location, Geology, and Road Log: NCGS Open-File Report 97-2

SUPERCONDUCTING SUPERCOLLIDER: Appendix - Petrography and Photomicrographs: NCGS Open-File Report 97-3 $3.00 |
TUNGSTEN Deposits of VANCE COUNTY, North Carolina and Mecklenburg County, Virginia: USGS Bulletin 948-A ---OUT OF STOCK---
Geology and Mineral Resources of WAKE County: NCGS Bulletin 86 $10.00 |